Upcoming Events

All Events Dow High School Band Midland High School Band Dow High School Choir Midland High School Choir Dow High School Orchestra Midland High School Orchestra Jefferson Middle School Orchestra Northeast Middle School Orchestra Northeast Middle School Choir Jefferson Middle School Band Jefferson Middle School Choir Midland High School Symphonic Band Dow High School Symphonic Band

Northeast Middle School Choir Concert

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Midland High Choir Concert

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Jefferson Middle School 7/8 Grade Band Concert

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Northeast Middle School 6th Grade BAND Concert

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Northeast Middle School 7TH AND 8TH Bands

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Jefferson Middle School Choir Concert

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Dow High Choir Concert

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Midland High and Northeast Choirs

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Northeast Middle School Orchestra

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MHS Orchestras Concert

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DHS Orchestra Concert

This event is over

Midland High School Band Concert

This event is over

Dow High Bands (Green,Gold,Symphonic) Concert

This event is over

Jefferson Orchestra Concert

This event is over

Refund and Exchange Policy
Please contact JR Bornemann for Refunds or Exchanges.
Office Phone: (989) 923-5583
Email: bornemannjr@midlandps.org

Please provide your name and seat number.


In the event of a sell-out please email bornemannjr@midlandps.org to make arrangements

About Central Auditorium
305 East Reardon st
(989) 923-5583